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来源:TDSTHSQ 编辑:TDSTHSQ 时间:2023-08-16 04:30:57

The Thermage 5th generation has surpassed its predecessor, the 4th generation, in several ways. With advanced features, including a precise display screen, it provides more accurate and effective treatment. Additionally, the larger probe allows for a broader surface area, enhancing skin penetration and yielding superior results. A significant advantage of the 5th generation is its intelligent, comfortable, and painless design. While cost-effective, the 4th generation Thermage cannot compare to the remarkable advancements of the 5th generation. Both versions are popular in the beauty industry, but it is crucial to seek out trusted medical beauty institutions for safe and effective treatment. The primary differentiating factor between the 4th and 5th generation Thermage is their probes, with the latter featuring the advanced purple probe 4.0. Regardless of the generation selected, following proper post-treatment care guidelines is essential for optimal results. In conclusion, the Thermage 5th generation is unmatched in its features, precision, and comfort, making it the ultimate choice for those who can afford it. However, regardless of the generation selected, trustworthy medical beauty institutions and professional post-treatment care are essential to achieve the best possible outcomes.


4代热玛吉和5代的主要区别在于它们使用的探头不同。4代热玛吉需要使用黄金探头,而5代热玛吉一般使用紫色的探头。这两种治疗方式都能够有效地紧致皮肤并改善皮肤问题,同时具有舒适感且可以避免局部出现受伤。建议在到当地正规医美机构做相关检查后,根据自身皮肤状况选择适合的治疗方式。妈 在治疗疗效方面,4代热玛吉使用的是黄金三d探头,治疗深度为4.3毫米,而5代热玛吉则使用智能全部成效探头,增加了accuratel技术,疗效更好且更加安稳。妈同时,5代热玛吉的面积覆盖更广,治疗面积可达4平方厘米,更加细致地覆盖面部不同的部位。在治疗时间上,5代热玛吉也较为快速,只需要45分钟即可完成治疗。此外,5代的热玛吉振动级别更小,治疗过程更加舒适。 需要注意的是,4代热玛吉和5代在功能上也有所不同。4代热玛吉可以通过单极射频技术,经过高效加热和收紧肌肤实现紧致皮肤、改善皮肤问题,但容易导致轻微疼痛。而5代热玛吉使用的是紫色探头,好更加安稳,舒适度也更加强,可以防止皮肤出现受伤,且在修复皮肤时没有疼痛感。因此,5代热玛吉通常比4代疗效更好。费用方面,5代热玛吉相对会有些贵。建议到正规医院就诊,根据自身情况选择治疗方式。孕

相关标签: 5代 4代

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