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来源:原创 编辑:原创 时间:2021-05-06 15:28:46




整形项目 参考价格
自体脂肪丰太阳穴 5647
自体脂肪丰额头 7791
自体脂肪丰苹果肌 5871
自体脂肪丰脸颊 5719
自体脂肪填泪沟 7107
全脸自体脂肪填充 40181
自体脂肪丰胸 47654
埋线双眼皮 2316
韩式双眼皮 3570
全切双眼皮 6415
开眼角 6324
上睑下垂校正 5536
纹眉绣眉 4041
卧蚕 2776
切眉 3892
注射隆鼻 5783
硅胶隆鼻 7161
膨体隆鼻 14389
综合隆鼻 14043
达拉斯隆鼻 6599
驼峰鼻整形 15916
鹰钩鼻整形 10779
朝天鼻整形 27392
鼻头缩小 4515
鼻翼缩小 51241
隆胸假体 69591
自体脂肪隆胸 39598
妙桃假体隆胸 46751
娜绮丽假体隆胸 89200
麦格假体隆胸 44391
曼陀假体隆胸 45365
法国ES假体隆胸 43778
隆胸失败修复 130813
巨乳缩小 49569
乳房下垂矫正 10538
乳房矫正术 16914
漏斗胸整形 38067
奥美定隆胸取出 12958
无痕微创隆胸 46622
乳房再造 28422
超声刀 14255
热玛吉 12841
电波拉皮 11710
肉毒素 3064
拉皮除皱 12782




以第一作者先后在OncoImmunology,J Urol、J Am Coll Surg 等国际权威泌尿外科学和肿瘤学期刊发表SCI 论文5 篇;此外还以共同第一作者在Urol Oncol、World J Urol等国际知名杂志发表SCI 论文4 篇。
1. Zhou L, Xu L, Chen L, et al. Tumor-infiltrating neutrophils predict benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2017 2017;6(4).
2. Zhou L, Chang Y, Xu L, et al. The Presence of Vascular Mimicry Predicts High Risk of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma after Radical Nephrectomy. Journal of Urology. Aug 2016;196(2):335-342.
3. Zhou L, Cao Y, Bian T, et al. Number of Renal Columns Invaded by Tumor: A Novel Parameter for Predicting Complexity and Outcomes of Off-Clamp Open Partial Nephrectomy. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Aug 2015;221(2):539-U810.
4. Zhou L, Guo J, Wang H, Wang G. The zhongshan score: a novel and simple anatomic classification system to predict perioperative outcomes of nephron-sparing surgery. Medicine. 2015-Feb 2015;94(5):e506-e506.
5. Zhou L, Chang Y, Xu L, et al. Prognostic value of vascular mimicry in patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladder after radical cystectomy. Oncotarget. Nov 15 2016;7(46):76214-76223.
6. Li Y, Zhou L, Bian T, et al. The zero ischemia index (ZII): a novel criterion for predicting complexity and outcomes of off-clamp partial nephrectomy. World journal of urology. Jul 2017;35(7):1095-1102.
7. Wang Z, Xie H, Zhou L, et al. CCL2/CCR2 axis is associated with postoperative survival and recurrence of patients with non-metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. Oncotarget. Aug 9 2016;7(32):51525-51534.
8. Chang Y, Xu L, Zhou L, et al. Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor predicts postoperative recurrence of clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. Oncotarget. Apr 2016;7(17):24527-24536.
9. Chang Y, Zhou L, Xu L, et al. High expression of CXC chemokine receptor 6 associates with poor prognosis in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Urologic oncology. 2017-Sep-13 2017.

相关标签: 上海 九院 周林 吸脂 大腿 一般 多少 费用

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